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President |
Mike Frost |
Executive Committee, Management Bargaining Committee, Finance Committee, Engineering Committee, Development Committee, Program Advisory Committee, Strategic Planning Workgroup |
Vice President | Michael Van Kleeck |
Executive Committee, Development Committee, Engineering Committee, Program Advisory Committee |
Treasurer | Joyce Nance |
Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Development Committee, Nominating Committee, Management Bargaining Committee, Program Advisory Committee, Strategic Planning Workgroup |
Secretary | Jill Blanchard |
Development Committee, Nominating Committee, Finance Committee, Governance and Policy Committee, Strategic Planning Workgroup |
At-large | Ona Harshaw | Executive Committee, Governance and Policy Committee (ad hoc workgroup), Management Bargaining Committee, Strategic Planning Workgroup, People of Color Caucus | |
Board Member |
Josh Roberts |
Development Committee, Nominating Committee, Strategic Planning Workgroup | |
Board Member | Carmen Garnica | Development Committee, People of Color Caucus | |
Board Member |
James Draznin |
Development Committee | |
Board Member | Jamie Bair | Development Committee | |
Board Member | Ethan Scarl | Development Committee, Program Advisory Committee | |
Board Member | Open | ||
Board Member | Open |
I am serving as a member of the KBOO Board of Directors. My interest is driven by a desire to give back to the community and support under-represented groups.
I have worked in the technical aspects of audio manufacturing since 1985 which has given me a thorough understanding of audio technology. I have recent experience as a project manager which involved communication and mediation among disparate functional groups such as hardware engineering, software engineering, product management, manufacturing operations, customer service. In this role, I was responsible for ensuring that projects were completed on schedule and that they met customer requirements.
I have worked as a live sound engineer for nearly the same amount of time, so I am very experienced in the practical deployment of audio systems. I worked as a live sound engineer for Robyn Shanti when she was promoting a series of folk music events in the basement of the Melody Ballroom many years ago. I’m currently on the roster with frequent gigs as an engineer at Mississippi Studios, Polaris Hall, and Revolution Hall. I occasionally consult with other live music venues as a system engineer, tuning the PA systems for optimum sound quality.
I have always had a progressive mindset which has been amplified by recent events. I attended the first Women’s March in 2016 and the March for Science shortly thereafter. I haven’t had much time for volunteer work although I try to make up for it with recurring donations to organizations such as ACLU, Mother Jones, Planned Parenthood, and Human Rights Campaign.
I believe my mindset and experience will allow me to facilitate communication between the staff and the board regarding technical issues. I’m sure I can contribute as a member of the technical committee. I look forward to serving my community as a member of the KBOO board of directors.
My name is Joyce Nance and I'm a KBOO board member because I believe I can help. My background in various jobs, hobbies, and passions fit with KBOO. I understand KBOO's humble beginnings and its continued path towards growth. I believe in the power of communication and I appreciate KBOO's big tent philosophy and the voice it provides for underrepresented persons and causes in the Portland community
My background helps KBOO in a variety of ways. First of all, I understand business pretty well. I have a bachelor's degree in business/accounting from San Francisco State and worked as a senior accountant for many years. I also ran my own video post-production business for over a decade where I had many employees and performed all of the company's financial, HR, sales, and tech functions for my company.
I've also had many other jobs and endeavors through the years. Right now, I work part time on America's number one progressive talk radio show. It's a Monday thru Friday three hour live show, and as a result of working on this show I have increased both my A/V technical skills and my knowledge of politics. I have a creative side as well. I perform stand up comedy around Portland as well as co-hosting a weekly political podcast called Not Right In The Head. I have written six books, including a couple in the True Crime genre. I am currently serving on the Finance, Engineering, Program, and Executive committees. I'm also the board Treasurer.
I currently volunteer at the station. I arrive on Monday mornings to sort mail, route voicemails and tidy the reception area and entry way. I have noticed that the station is in need and if filling a board position will help support the station then I am willing to serve.
I am currently on the We’Moon Homestead, Estacada, Oregon Board of Trustees working on Finance and Groundskeeper committees. I am a member of the Portland local NAACP Chapter 1120-B, on the ByLaws Special Committee, compiling a document that synthesizes Oregon State Law and the NAACP National ByLaws for use with our local Branch. I participate in The People’s Institute for Survival and Beyond NW Undoing Racism Planning Committee, assisting with a host of duties to strengthen our coalition undoing, unlearning and letting go of the foundational fictions of racism in America. I am also an involved Member-Owner of the People’s Food Co-op.
I fell in love with radio while still in elementary school, sleeping with my transistor radio under my pillow. DJ’s answered letters, responded to requests, and played the music I was waiting for. About the time I became fed up with commercial radio, late in my teens, community radio was being born all across the country. My local stations were WYSO, Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio, and WCSU, Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio. I began volunteering with WYSO during fund drives in the early 2000’s. In 2004, when I took a position at Antioch College managing a scholarship program that required students to devote volunteer time to community organizations, I encouraged students to spend time at the station, among other volunteer opportunities.
About the same time I had the opportunity to take students, as volunteers, to The Free Press National Conference for Media Reform which were held every couple of years in a different major city. The students and I attended the Memphis conference, and after I left Antioch College I continued to volunteer with the Free Press Conference, attending conferences in Denver and Boston. The conferences introduced me to organizations such as Prometheus, Democracy Now!, and Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting. It was a great opportunity to interact with media personalities, lobbyists and reporters who were working hard to keep radio free from commercial interests. Of course that work is ongoing.
After moving here from Ohio in 2013, I was interested in volunteering with KBOO. I was familiar with KBOO from hearing the Old Mole Variety Hour on WYSO! I took my orientation training in 2017 after I retired and began volunteering in the reception area. Since then I have helped with various fundraising events and kept a steady shift on the reception desk.
My name is Carmen Garnica. I am a long-time Radio Producer in the Spanish Language Tuesday programing at KBOO 90.7 FM. I was invited to become a part ot the Tonalli Radio Co-Op by co- producer Ivonne Rivero, who was aware of the work and community engagement I had been carrying on for many years in the Latinx and Native-American communities.
The purpose of this letter is to let you know I have been invited to be part of this Board of Directors as an Interim Director.I am interested, I have the time and the willingness to learn, participate and contribute my time and vision for a more equitable radio and community organization.
Let me share with you some of my background. I am an immigrant, but have continuously lived in the area for 20+ years. I am the mother of an amazing woman, artist and keeper of the Oregon lands. I am the grandmother of two wonderful children, one of them is challenged by neuro-diversity and living in a world that was not designed for them. I am a keeper of traditions, as per my ancestors in Mexico.
I earn my living through my business, INSOMNIA Art and Culture,an itinerant gift shoppe for the Latinx culture curious. I also work closely with the Indigenous traditions. I cultivate some of the traditional medicines used by my ancestors to heal the body, mind and spirit.
My shop was formerly housed at the M&M Multicultural market, the so-called “Flea Market” in Hillsboro. After the disruption caused by COVID-19, many micro-entrepreneurs like myself simply had to close shop. I was one of many whose rights were trampled by the lack of funds for paying the rent. Business came to a standstill and many of the small and micro-entrepreneurs lost their belongings as well. Most of this went unknown to the authorities and community, with total impunity.
This is one of the reasons why I believe in the power of KBOO and its programming as a link to underserved communities, like mine. I often ask whether people might have to wait six to ten years to learn the English language, but I tell you that WE NEED COMMUNICATION and ACCESS TO THE MEDIA now. This is one of the reasons why KBOO has been so meaningful to communities all across Oregon (and SW Washington!)
I want to thank you for your attention to this letter. I am looking forward to questions in regards to my work at KBOO in these last 7 years, the alternative media and the role of Spanish and the Spanish- speaking communities in Oregon.
Greetings! My name is Josh Roberts and I currently serve on the Board of Directors at KBOO. I live with my family in West Linn which has been our home for the better part of 7 years. I currently work as a consultant and project manager for Legacy Medical Group. I have a passion for music that stretches back over 40 years to my childhood in Ohio. My musical interests span most genres but jazz, blues, classic rock, electronic, industrial, alternative, metal, classic country, and folk stand out the most. For my service at KBOO, I’m looking forward to marrying up my love of music with my experience in leadership and governance.
As a past not-for-profit board trustee, I want to bring a host of governance skills to the station. Also, as a community member and volunteer in Portland for the past 23 years, I have a familiarity with our city and region including their progressive and changing atmosphere and special place in the hearts and minds of the community. Finally, as a business leader whose roles have involved embracing creativity and diversity in the workplace, I’ve led or participated in myriad events and activities that celebrate the spectrum of civic interests and cultures.
My current roles on the board include the Programming Advisory Committee and the Strategic Planning Workgroup, in addition to recent work assisting with station manager recruitment and hiring. What I want to do in the near-term is learn as much as possible about the staff and station, as well as get exposure to the spectrum of programming we offer and the community events in which we participate. And as with any position on a governing body, my job will be to listen to and serve the best interests of the station and its listeners.
The first time I heard music that resonated with me, was on a mix tape my older sister had made for me. It was unlike anything being played on popular radio in my rural Idaho town. It was different, and unknown, and exciting. The tape soon made the rounds during lunch in 7th grade, passing from hand to hand like a secret, until a parent intercepted it and complained about the explicit content, landing me in the principal’s office. The damage was done, though, I found a group of like-minded folks looking for something outside the mainstream. I carried this love of introducing people to the unknown when I became a librarian at the public library. There’s a special satisfaction in listening to what someone is really interested in, beyond what they have to read for school or book group, and connecting them with a story that really means something to them. Not because it’s critically acclaimed, or considered a classic, but because it truly reflected the person reading it. And I found myself being introduced to the unknown through KBOO. I started listening on the recommendation of a friend and I stayed because of the variety of the content and the diversity in the voices uplifted by the platform. I started volunteering With KBOO because I believed in what KBOO was doing. I found out quickly just how much this community loves KBOO. Every time I would table for KBOO, people would come up to me and tell me how much they love KBOO, how KBOO was the first place they heard hip hop music, or that they’ve been listening for thirty years. I felt good talking up KBOO, because it’s positive impact in the community was apparent. Through my professional career, I’ve strived to create a positive impact in the community. From using the library’s platform to bring groups of like minded people together to learn how to make things that support local social service agencies to organizing a free repair service, I’ve seen the power in community when people connect over a common cause. I worked with PFLAGSWWA to develop an LGBTQ discussion group. Conversations in this group are community-driven. Participants choose topics they are interested in learning more about and I research resources for us to explore together. It was my experience researching queer music for one of our conversations that inspired me to pitch a queer-focused music show to KBOO. Sharing the stories of queer musicians, both well known and obscure, with others brings me joy and hopefully makes others feel less alone. I’m grateful for the opportunity KBOO has provided me, and so many others, to share our passions with a wider community. I want to serve on KBOO’s Board because KBOO is a rare and wonderful resource of the unknown. I hope to help build a sustainable KBOO for the next fifty-seven years.
In the face of rising fascism in the U.S. and around the world, KBOO’s commitment to questioning the status quo and broadcasting and streaming progressive alternatives deserves attention.
KBOO’s training of unpaid volunteers in radio operations is also impressive. Don’t we all listen to KBOO because its programs treat our needs by informing us, soothing us, and inspiring us? Imagine a hospital that treats patients and then, free of charge, trains some of those patients to treat, free of charge, other patients.
KBOO’s unusual practice of allowing all members and volunteers to vote for its governing board further cements its standing as a community nonprofit.
These characteristics convinced me to volunteer as a candidate for KBOO’s board of directors. Dammit: I was elected.
I’m happily retired after a career in fundraising for a variety of nonprofits. You know the old saying: “people who can’t do, teach.” Extend that to “people who can’t teach, become charitable fundraisers,” and you understand my background.
More seriously, after 30 years in fundraising, through membership on KBOO’s board of directors and its Development Committee I now hope to share options that, if pursued, will strengthen support of KBOO.
Contact Jill Blanchard at jillboard@kboo.org / 503-381-7591 for more information.
email KBOO's Nominating Committee at boardapplication@kboo.org to request an application.
Envíe un correo electrónico al Comité de Nominación, boardapplication@kboo.org, y solicite una aplicación.
Please see below for the 2021 Board Meeting Minutes
Please see below for the 2020 Board Meeting Minutes
Please see below for the 2019 Board Meeting Minutes
Audio recordings:
Please check the links below for 2017 Board Meeting minutes.
Here are the Board meeting minutes for 2016, in PDF format.