This show is hosted by Bill Resnick and covers the Democratic primary campaign, the outcome of the television and film writers' strike, and several movies worth knowing about. You can hear the whole show by clicking the arrow above, or individual segments by going to the links below, which also feature additional information about people and issues. 1. JoAnne Wypijewski and Bill Resnick discuss the primaries and what they mean for progressive politics. 2. Jan Haaken talks with Abdul Fofana about "Moving to the Beat," a film about Hip Hop, Africans, and African-Americans. 3. Movie Moles Frann Michel and Denise Morris review "The Orphanage" 4. Co-director John Esaki and Jan Haaken discuss two films about the interment of Japanese-Americans during WWII. 5. Victory in the writers' strike: Writer Nick Kazan talks with Bill Resnick.