Hosted by Bill Resnick, this program features an on-the-ground report from Haiti. In addition, we hear from Howie Hawkins, Green Party Candidate for Mayor of Syracuse about public, locally generated power; from PC Peri of Flying Focus Video about the 20th Annual Cascade Festival of African Films; from Chris Hedges (read by Tom Becker) about our fictional democracy; and from the late Howard Zinn (read by Bill Resnick) about why we should still be optimistic in uncertain times.
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Special note: If you see the world from the Mole's underground point of view and would be interested in working with the Old Mole collective, email us with some information about yourself and the kinds of issues that interest you. For more about the Mole's outlook, check out the links on our main page. Write to
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To hear the whole show, use the play button below. To hear individual pieces and find more information, follow these links:
1. Journalist and activist Kevin Pina reports from Haiti in this conversation with Laurie Mercier.
2. Howie Hawkins and Bill Resnick on electical power -- locally owned, locally produced.
3. The African Film Festival, Feb. 5 - Mar. 6: PC Peri and the Old Mole's Jan Haaken.
4. Chris Hedges on the Supreme Court stripping bare the illusion of democracy.
5. Howard Zinn on why we should be optimistic in hard times.