Advertise your work at



Advertising on KBOO's mobile app and

Spread the word about your business or next event with an ad on KBOO's website or mobile app!  For information on our on-air underwriting announcements, visit our Underwriting page.

Advertising on

  •     Reach thousands across all KBOO pages whether they're searching for hiphop or hillbilly, feminist or folk
  •     Nearly 100,000 hits monthly and growing
  •     $30/week with $10 off 4 weeks
  •     Image specs:
    •     Resolution: 72ppi (pixels per inch)
    •     Ad size: 208 pixels (wide) x 190 pixels (tall)
    •     File formats: .png, .jpg, .gif, .tif
    •     Ad design help: $30/hr (1 hr. min; avg = 1 hr )

Advertising on KBOO's mobile app:

  •     Reach thousands of listeners through KBOO's app. App downloadable on iTunes and Google Play.
  •     Includes banner and tile ads
  •     $100/month (minimum 1 month)

Get started today!

Email our Underwriting Director at 


The placement of on-line and mobile app ads on KBOO’s home page shall be at KBOO Web Coordinator’s discretion.

The content and links of on-line  and mobile app advertisements are subject to review and approval by KBOO, based upon the KBOO Programming Charter and KBOO Contributor Restrictions:

KBOO shall not knowingly accept funds from individuals, organizations, or businesses which:

  • are involved in weapons manufacturing;
  • make investments in repressive governments (other than the United States);
  • have been shown to discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual preference, national origin, age, religion, marital status, or physical or mental disability;
  • have been shown to tolerate sexual harassment;
  • have been shown to use unfair labor practices;
  • have been shown to be environmentally irresponsible;
  • produce or distribute materials deemed offensive on the grounds listed above; or
  • KBOO’s Board of Directors determines would be detrimental to the social responsibilities of the station.
  • Additionally, KBOO shall not accept advertising from religious organizations or political candidates.

Advertiser agrees that Advertiser’s support of Station, regardless of level or duration, shall not give Advertiser any right to directly or indirectly influence program selection or content or Station policy on any matter. Any attempt by Advertiser to influence programming based on advertiser’s financial support shall be grounds for terminating advertising agreement.