Good on yer, Krugman


 Continuing on a theme, congratulations to Paul Krugman of the New York Times for his Nobel prize in economics. For my money, Krugman for many years now has been the best columnist on the Times' op-ed page, and one of the best in the business, period. His liberalism comes in large part from a place that is grounded in hard economics, which makes him both hard to refute, and able to refute mindless conservative free-market dogma.

For example, since the brouhaha over the uber-costly financial bailout erupted a couple of weeks ago, Krugman has been hitting hard on the need for taxpayers to receive an equity stake in return for their rescue of investment in the financial sector. And now it looks like it's going to happen.

Let's hope Paulson & Co. keep reading their Krugman.



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