Teabaggin' it old school



Hordes of Real Americans (TM) descended on Washington this weekend as the Teabaggers held their "Sept. 12" march and rally. You know, the kind of event where people are so patriotic they fly Confederate flags and call for the president to be sent to Kenya. It's all part of the continuing outbreak of Aggrieved White Man Syndrome, which is what happens when a privileged group begins to lose the prestige to which it feels entitled.


Abe,1.  The constitutional convention is an idea whose time is come.  The people have to take back the power in this country.  How can we make this a reality?2.  I much prefer this alternative to an armed revolution, becuase as you correctly point out, the military, which we fund has massive sophisticated weaponry.3.  I really enjoy your  show and your commentaries--they are excellent.4.  I am a KBOO member and a long time listener, but have yet to call in--perhaps someday.--Jerry Kohler 

You are lying. The vast majority of tea party protestors are protesting because of the policies that President Obama and the Dem Congress are trying to shove down our throats. You want to focus on the teeny-tiny handful of crackpot protests signs? Well, maybe you should pay attention to the kill-Bush signs that peppered the anti-war protests over the previous 8 years: http://www.zombietime.com/zomblog/?p=621 Shall I thusly proclaim that the entire anti-war movement is made up of assassin wannabees, based on those protests signs? Huh?