KBOO is proud to be a media and community sponsor for the Hawthorne Holiday Stroll.
The Hawthorne Boulevard Business Association is proud to announce
The First Annual Hawthorne Holiday Stroll!!
December 9th 2010
6 - 9 PM
All of Hawthorne! (Main tent - 36th & Hawthorne) |
Festive holiday shopping, sales, businesses open late! - Carolers and live music! Free hot cider and cocoa! Family activities and more! Live tree Raffle with many gift certificates and free gifts included in the raffle. Make a purchase at a participating Hawthorne business to enter the raffle! A percentage of all proceeds by participating businesses will be donated to Impact NW! Heated main event tent @ 36th and Hawthorne. Inside, live music by The Big Banana Spiders and The New Iberians. Free hot cider and cocoa @ main event tent Several caroling groups on the street for the evening, Franklin High School, Sunnyside School carolers (sponsored by the Sunnyside neighborhood committee), and others. Your group is welcome to join in! Street performers performing up and down the Blvd. Holiday Stroll.pdf Participating businesses: (Special sales, open late, tree raffle entry with purchase, portion of sales donated to Impact NW) Beads Forever Cassidy Jewelry Margaret & Oliver Presents of Mind Murder by the Book 8 Women Momento (formerly Greg's) Ben and Jerry's 3 Doors Down Gold Dust Meridian Mink Imelda's Kids at Heart Monkey King Momma Baby Buffalo Exchange Essential's Apothecary Gold Door Clogs N More Powell's Metro Shadowhouse Really Good Stuff Muse Art + Design Fyberworks |
Please visit http://thinkhawthorne.com for information on how to volunteer and get details on the day’s events. Visit the Hawthorne Holiday Stroll’s Facebook page to catch up with the buzz surrounding the Stroll. This is one of the largest community grown events in Portland and should not be missed!!
A special thanks goes out to the Alliance of Portland Neighborhood Business Associations (APNBA) for providing the seed money to help make the Hawthorne Holiday Stroll a success! Other major sponsors include Umpqua Bank, KBOO, Portland Nursery, Aquea Design, Cinemagic, and Really Good Stuff.