Joe has SEVEN Topics on the table today. It's Topic Roulette on Talk Radio.



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Air date: 
Tue, 09/07/2010 - 12:00am
Joe has SEVEN Topics on the table today. It's Topic Roulette on Talk Radio.

 Hosted by Joe Uris.  (Abe Proctor is MIA today, but should be back next week.)

Joe brought in SEVEN Topics for Discussion today, as follows:


1.  Nestle Corp wants to build a Bottled Water Plant in the Gorge.
2. We've hit Peak Oil; why can't Republicans let go of "Drill, Baby, Drill!" when there are so many GREAT money making opportunities in New Clean Energy Technoligies?!?!?
3. Why are they STILL trying to install Nasty LNG Pipelines in Oregon?!?
4. Please recognize that one of the Main Reasons Obama can't and won't get anything significant done is Blind Obstructionism by the Party of No.  Republicans would rather see the country Crash and Burn than credit anything good to Obama.
5. We NEED Voter owned elections in Portland, Oregon, and the US of A.
6. Quran burning and hate mongering - Is Hate Speech the same as Free Speech?
7. French Gypsies are getting deported from France.  Immigration, Scare Tactics, and Inhumane Deportations are Big Issues in more than just the United States.
8. The Fourteenth Amendment says anyone born here is a Citizen.  Folks on the Right want to take that away from babies born to undocumented immigrants.  Being a Citizen of the country you're born in is a fundamental human right we should NOT be messing with.


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