I was recently going through my audio archives server when I noticed that I have thousands of hours of A Different Nature episodes going back to shortly before show founder Richard Francis' passing. I had been recording shows off the air using an automated recording system for years until KBOO eventually got around to archiving and making available music programming on an ongoing basis.
But, what to do with this vast archive? Most of the episodes on file are unlisted as to their contents, save their air-dates. Where I was able, I added the host and show subject to the metadata, but as the system was automated and script-based, it was logging shows without any human intervention for the most part. It would've kept recording KBOO on Monday, 8pm forever if I just dropped dead.
So, with my own ADN host date coming up, and with the pandemic ending and humans returning to the station again, I thought, what better tribute to the longevity of ADN and its hosts than a show made up of old shows?
To that end, I took a handful of mostly randomly selected episodes, cut them into bite-sized pieces, and fed them into an audio blender. I used a piece of software designed by sound artist Dr. Karlheinz Essl which granularly chews up audio and spits out wonderfully rearranged sounds, mostly using randomly shifting parameters. I had very little control over the output of the sounds but could tweak a few settings to suit, often with even more random results.
I hope you enjoy this episode. It's a loving tribute to A Different Nature, it's founder, its long line of hosts, both living and no longer living and also a few listeners who make an appearance in the (scrambled) call-in program.
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