It was dark out, let's have a show about darkness!
If it were only that simple. While it's true that tonight Self Help Radio celebrates darkness, it's not for something so glib. Instead, it's a celebration of the realization that the darkness in Portland - by virture of its trees or its geography or by something more arcane & strange - is of a different quality than the darkness in other places. Okay, maybe there aren't as many streetlights as in, say, Dallas. For whatever reason, darkness is being celebrated tonight.
Celebrated in song, to be sure, but also with discussions: the show's favorite librarian talks about books about darkness, & three guests, variously describing themselves as followers, supporters, or servants of darkness, are interviews. & maybe there's more. Certainly there's a lot of talking, perhaps to try to drown out the fear of darkness.
Turn the lights off, close the blinds, sit in darkness, & listen.