Learn about the work of Karen Jealous who helps trap and neuter feral and community cats.
Join me as I interview Karen Jealous, of PDX Cat Trapper. The primary purpose of PDX Cat Trapper is TNR (trap neuter return) of feral, stray and community cats to prevent needless suffering, lessen overpopulation, and improve the health of feral, stray and community cats. Learn about the needs of these cats and the risks they face living outside. We will also discuss what options there are for these cats after they are neutered. Tune in to hear more!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pdxcattrapper
Instagram: @pdxcattrapper
Feral Cat Coalition Oregon (FCCO): Feral Cat Coalition of Oregon (feralcats.com)
Oregon Humane Society: Oregon Humane Society
Neighborhood Cats: Neighborhood Cats | Home
Originally aired on June 2022