Broadcasting with gratitude, sorrow, and love from the rightful lands of Cowlitz, Multnomah, Kathlamet, Clackamas, Tumwater, Tualatin Kalapuya, Wasco, Molalla, Ita'xluit, Watlala, and other original peoples
of the big river
This is Kay Bee Oh Oh Portland on 90.7FM
Kay Two Eight Two Bee Aych Philomath on 104.3
Kay Two Two Zero Aych Arr Hood River on 91.9
And streaming worldwide at Kay boo dot ef em
We are member supported community radio and depend on listeners like you for 80% of our funding. We're currently in the midst of an annual fundraiser So if KBOO is a valuable part of your routine and you're ready to
promote from listener to member
the ceremony for doing so is simple, dig?
Go to KBOO.FM forward slash give
Put some bread in the dish
then dance with delight at fulfilling a wish
and you'll be in good company, there.
This show you're listening to is called
Oh Gee Pee Oh Gee, I'm your neighbor Jeremy and I'm happy to be here with you for the next two hours sharing a variety of good music.
Like the fun[?] little song we just heard, that was Super Spectacular Day, an interesting experiment in non-linear music made as a record insert for a 1980 issue of MAD Magazine
The thing that makes it interesting to me is that there are eight different song endings which can be somewhat randomly selected by dropping your record needle and letting the arm fall free, but you really shouldn’t do that at all because that’s not good for the record or the needle. Anyway you can still get the same general effect by hitting shuffle on a playlist of MP3s
Harvey Kurtzman is the name of the mind behind Mad Comix the legendary periodical he founded in 1952 which later became the slightly less legendary MAD Magazine, which has undeniably exerted influence upon the development of American Pop Culture.
It’s hard to quantify his contribution to the culture but it’s also impossible to deny his contribution to the culture. In a way every Gen-Xer who has survived by their sense of irony all the lies and paradoxes proffered by this topsy turvy world and made it through their many gifted days by the skin of their sarcastic teeth may feel a little gratitude to Harvey Kurtzman a clear eyed clown who wrangled his anger and hurt and turned them into art and humor in a way that for better or worse has influenced the modern culture of today.
Harvey Kurtzman did much to open the way for National Lampoon, Second City, and Saturday Night Live but he also had a huge influence on the development of comic books as a serious medium for adults.
This coming Friday, February 21st will mark the 1993 passing of Harvey Kurtzman, and to honor his life and contribution it might not be incorrect to make an extra effort that day to stay one step ahead of your hostility so you can turn it toward humor instead.
And since we’re also one day after the birth of Art Speigelman, widely acknowledged as the creator of the first graphic novel, an absolute masterpiece of visual story telling titled Maus which explores his parent’s lived experience of the holocaust
We’ll begin this next set with a blank sheet that quickly fills as words and meaning swiftly spill forth from a master of his craft recognizing the teacher who showed him the way.
As Art Speigelman tells us about Harvey Kurtzman in this interview with
Jacques Samson for La Cité
Right now, on listener supported community radio
[SET 1]
In that last set we were considering the appropriate role of laughter
to the development of the human animal
Ending there with Regina Spektor and her song Laughing With
Prior to Regina we heard Anna Harrell,
Laughter Stops
Which was in turn preceded by Cass McCombs, with Laughter Is The Best Medicine and also a good reminder to remember that if you intend ill toward others that is what you shall receive, in a multiplicity, so don't go roping the moon into your vengeance unless you would see your own surface cratered to an even greater degree
Prior to the curse of Cass McCombs we were laughing like a Baby with Devandra Banhart
Who followed Charlotte Adigéry and Bolis Pupul on a maniacal cliptrack titled HaHa
HaHa indeed
Laughter has positive functions such as mood regulation, social bonding, and stress relief but laughter can also become a coping mechanism or even a trauma response. As with most things awareness is the key to distinguishing between healthy and unhealthy laughter.
If you or someone else you love has a tendency to temporarily seek escape from difficult emotions through laughter it can be very helpful to them if you don't join in turning every situation into a joke but instead hold space for them to process their emotions and the experiences they are tied to by giving yourself, or them permission and support to cry, shout, scream, keen, wail, kick, dance, or flail your way toward self-integration
In the right measure and setting laughter is good medicine, but in the wrong ratios and inappropriate timing laughter can stunt your emotional growth.
If your mantra is “I laugh so I will not cry”
You really might want to ask yourself why?
Why do you deny empathy even unto yourself?
To carry you through the doorways of these questions and more here's Labi Siffre with the title track from his 1972 album
Crying, Laughing, Loving, Lying
right now on Kay be oh oh
[SET 2]
Hey you're tuned to
And we are in the midst of a fundraiser so if non commercial, non corporate community radio is important to you,
please visit KBOO dot FM forward slash give, choose whatever amount you feel is fair and join this beloved community we're all cocreating together
To all of our members, thank you! You rock!
Well in that last set we were putting laughter aside long enough to have a proper healthy cry
Ending there with Shout
by Tears For Fears
Prior to which we heard from revered Irish folklorist, singer, songwriter, and model of full spectrum masculinity Christy Moore tellin yizz to Cry Like A Man
Then we were in the in-between where laughter has ceased but tears have not yet been released, that was Shawn Desiree as Bells Roar with a track titled You Call Me Cold
Prior to which we heard from Portland Electro Pop singer songwriter Laryssa Birdseye with a real one called I Used To Be Funny. Perhaps you can relate
Moving into this next set we'll honor influential artist Juice Newton who will be celebrating her birthday in just a couple days on the 18th
From her 1983 album Dirty Looks here's
Twenty Years Ago
Right now on K B O O Portland
[SET 3]
K B O O Portland
This is a non profit, non commercial community radio station and we rely on our listeners for most of our funding
So please visit k b o o dot f m and click the big red donate button, and be sure tuh tell em Papa Echo sentcha
Well in that last set we were celebrating some birthdays
Ending there with Coil whose cofounder John Balance was born this day 1962 and who died in 2004 under disputed circumstances. From Coil we heard Going Up which takes the theme song from Are You Being Served, a 1970s BBC sitcom which focused on consumerism and recasts it into something that sounds downright sacred
So rest in peace Geoffrey Laurence Burton
Happy birthday John Balance
And happy birthday to
Psychedelic Japanese composer
Kazuki Tomokawa, who preceded Coil with a track whose translated title is
It's The End Of The World,
that's off his 1981 album
The Sea Is Calm, The Spirit Is Sick
And that followed Peggy King singing the title track off her 1959 album Lazy Afternoon
Whose album cover is a daggum work of art, if you need a brand new old aesthetic check it on out
Prior to Peggy King we heard Norwegian superstar Marie Ulven with a song titled Litt For Langt (a little too far). Once you know you've gone too far it's certainly time to stop
Before Marie Ulven we were sharing a slice and two scoops with singer songwriter Lucy Kaplansky and the title track from her 2002 album The Red Thread
Today is also the birthday of Holocaust victim and suppressed author Margot Frank, older sister of writer Ann Frank
From Eliezer Gonçalves we heard a song for Margot Frank
Prior to which was a track titled New Thought Leader by Birthday Letters. That's because today is also the anniversary of the birth of Phineas Quimby, founder of the still-thriving New Thought spiritual alliance. And an essential thread of the New Age syncretic belief system.
So happy birthday Phineas Quimby, Margot Frank, Lucy Kaplansky, Marie Ulven, Peggy King, Kazuki Tomokawa, Geoffrey Burton,
And you too, if it is your birthday I hope it's been a good’n
Well we began that last set with Juice Newton whose birthday will be on the 18th so let's keep it connected with a legend who's birthday will be tomorrow, the 17th
Vicente Fernandez Gomez, King of Ranchera music was born February 17th, 1940
In his song Un Millón De Primaveras
He declares
It bothers you when I tell you about my love
and you kindly ask me to forget the subject,
to change the lyrics of my songs
and remove your name from my poems.
please bear it, though it bothers you
for I swear I'm close to forgetting you.
There's only a million Springs left to go
a couple of centuries to adore you
there's only a million Springs left
after that I won't bother you again
Here it is, right now on your community radio,
[SET 4]
You're on 90.7FM
Kay bee oh oh,
Where we are in the midst of a membership pledge, so if you're ready to promote from listener to member just visit KBOO dot FM, click the red donate button and join the mission
Thanks to all who have, and all who are
this show's called
Oh Gee PeeOhGee,
my name's Jeremy
and we just heard
Portland poet, pianist, and polymath
Emmett Wheatfall honoring the late great
Ms Janice Scroggins And Her 88 keys,
see Ms Janice she was a piano prodigy
and lifelong Portlander [edit actually this is incorrect, my apologies for not catching the error prior to broadcast. Janice Scroggins actually lived several places in her life including Oklahoma and Oakland] who taught from the fifth quadrant and left an enduring legacy deserving of great respect. And in that regard few can compare to the sincerity and emotional depth of Emmett Wheatfall
Except of course your neighbor and mine, Mr. Fred Rogers who we heard with a great reminder be brave; be strong
Well on tonight's show we heard wise words from Art Speigelman
We considered some of the functions and limitations of laughter
And we wished some happy birthdays along the way
I've enjoyed spending this time with you and as it draws again to a momentary close
I want you to know
that you are an important part of this beloved community and I'm glad we're neighbors.
If you'd like to learn more about what we heard or you just wanna have another listen you can go to kay bee oh oh dot org, select audio then list of programs and scroll down to PeeOhGee which is written phonetically
Papa Echo Echo
Oscar Hotel
Golf Echo Echo
That's how ya spell PeeOhGee
Going to see us out now with a track by tonsstartsbandht but first, remember friends:
There is but a narrow ledge
Separating madness from mirth
And a thin egg-skin between
every sparrow and its birth
And had that shell not cracked
at the bang of a bill
Like a brimming tear sac
releasing its fill
this spring we would hear
no clank buzz or trill
of familiar brown birds at the ol windowsill
Until next time
be well, do good