Prison Pipeline 12/26/12 w/ Brian Lindstrom, Hosted by Jay Thiemeyer



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Mon, 12/26/2011 - 12:00am
Jay Thiemeyer,talks with Brian Lindstrom about his movie 'AlienBoy',concerning James 'JimJim' Chase.

Jay Thiemeyer, host for PrisonPipeline, talks with Brian Lindstrom about his movie 'AlienBoy', which gives a human face and history to James 'JimJim' Chasse, the mentally ill man brutalized by the Portland police several years ago. He died en route to the hospital from injuries sustained in the police assault. With us will be Dan Handelman, longtime coordinator of Portland CopWatch, whose purpose is to hold rogue cops to account. Don't miss Prison Pipeline every Monday evening at 6:30.


Jay Thiemeyer, talks with Brian Lindstrom about his movie 'AlienBoy', concerning James 'JimJim' Chasse

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