The 2nd Revolution: Dismantling Corporate Rule



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Air date: 
Wed, 06/06/2012 - 12:00am
Paul Cienfuegos talks about dismantling corporate rule

We live "drenched in corporate culture," with our planet, our democracy, and all of us "real people" under assault. But, according to Paul Cienfuegos, "We the people are more powerful than we dare to believe," and the corporate power structure CAN be dismantled. A long-time community organizer and educator, Cienfuegos provides a wealth of information showing how the fictions of "corporate personhood" and "corporate rights" can be challenged and reversed by empowered, informed citizen action. He'll be leading a Portland workshop June 9-10.

"If we relearn our history, if we understand again that corporations were designed to serve us, not to rule us, in this democratic republic, then we can reclaim our sovereignty. Once we understand this, the sky's the limit. We can rein in corporate constitutional "rights" as have more than 100 communities in PA, NH, ME, and VI." (The Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund has provided advice and support to many of these communities - learn more HERE.)

On June 9 & 10, 2012 in Portland, Oregon, Paul Cienfuegos will be leading his full-weekend workshop: "We The People Are More Powerful Than We Dare to Believe: First Steps in Dismantling Corporate Rule." For more details about the content of the workshop, click HERE. For more details about cost (sliding scale), timing, and how to register, click HERE.

Community Rights PDX has begun rights-based activism here in Portland -- you can learn more HERE.

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