Lisa Haynes Fights To Demand Police Accountablity



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Air date: 
Wed, 12/30/2015 - 12:00am
Northeast Portland Woman Fight's Back To Hold Portland Police Accountable
A Northeast Portland resident, Lisa Haynes, is urging for community to get involved in holding the city responsible for police accountability. Miss Haynes was inappropriately profiled by Portland police in Southeast Portland on February 17th, 2012 . Miss Haynes insist that two police officers, Greg Baldwin and Jordan Winkle, yelled profanity at Miss Haynes…as well as verbally threatened her, and inappropriately touched her genital areas during a search without reading her rights or explaining what she was being detained for.

There have been two cases that Lisa Haynes brought against the Portland police department and against the city…for failing to adequately train and supervise its officer on seizure and avoiding excessive force.
Both suits exonerated the officers of all allegations.

Miss Lisa Haynes has a 'GoFundMe' fundraiser that she is asking people to support: She is trying to raise money for a expert witness who has experience working with citizines who have cases against police lack of accountability.

Lisa Haynes spoke with Sekoynia Wright for EarToTheStreets about her case. Click on the audio to hear her story:
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