Bill Resnick hosts this show as the Old Moles root out the underlying issues regarding taxes, the courage it takes to keep hope alive in hard times, labor struggles in Colorado and Colombia, and inequities in human health. Listen to the whole show by clicking on the arrow on this page, or listen to individual pieces by clicking on their links below.1. Why do we hate taxes? Mike Leachman talks with Bill Resnick about what's wrong with the tax system.2. Well-read Red Frann Michel comments on the past, present and future of the "communist hypothesis."3. Tom Becker reads Howard Zinn's account of the Ludlow Massacre on its 94th anniversary.4. Dan Jaffee brings the Ludlow Massacre's "legacy" into the present, reading from David Sirota's piece on labor wars in Colombia.5. Bill Resnick tells reflects on the socialist anthem "The Internationale"--several versions of which have been played on today's show.6. Two health educators talk with Bill about how social inequality creates disparities in health.