Reports from protests, rallies, walk-outs across the country and around the world, including: Austin, Chicago, Denver, Lansing, London, New York, Phoenix, San Francisco and the local communities of Pacifica affiliates around the country, voicing what this moment in our nation's history means to citizens.
Speeches on stage and interviews with presenters backstage, interviews with activists around the country and world, voices from citizens around the country.
Some guests and commentators:
Dr. Hatem Bazian, American Muslims for Palestine
Bill Ayers, author, educator, activist
Nihad Awad, Council on Islamic-American Relations
Asma Hanif, president of Metro Coordinating Council of Muslim Organizations
Khalliah Sabar, Exec Director, Muslim American Society Immigrant Justice Center (MS)
Naim Baig, Director, Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA)
Omar Lee, Director, Virginia Coalition of Conscience
Tariq Nelson, Director of Youth Outreach, American Muslim Alliance (AMA)
Son of Nun - hip hop artist and organizer
Sean Blackmon - Stop Police Terror Project DC
Eugene Puryear - Justice First
Reverend Lennox Yearwood - Hip Hop Caucus
Reverend Dr Rodney Sadler - North Carolina NAACP
Ray McGovern - former CIA Analyst and Journalist
Ramsey Clark - former US Attorney General
Professor Jodi Dean - Author, Hobart &a William Smith Colleges
Paul Passavant - We Are Seneca Lake (anti-fracking group)
Laura Samendra - We Are Seneca Lake (anti-fracking group)
Medea Benjamin - Co-founder of CODE PINK
Mara Verheydan-Hilliard - Partnership for Civil Justice Fund
Carl Messineo - Partnership for Civil Justice Fund
Margaret Flowers - Popular Resistance
Kevin Zeese - Popular Resistance
Mahdi Bray - American Muslim Association
Karina Garcia - National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health
Jonathan Hutto - Prince George's County People's Coalition
Graylan Hagler - Plymouth Congregational Church
Col. (ret.) Ann Wright - Veterans for Peace
Brian Becker - National Coordinator, ANSWER Coalition
Professor Cornell West - Harvard University Professor
WPFW reps.
Phil Wylato - UNAC (United National Anti-War Committee)
Dr. Jared Ball - imixwhatilike, Morgan State University
Ariel Gold - CODE PINK
Pam Africa - M.O.V.E.
Rep. -- Washington Teacher Union
Julie Hurwitz-- Attorney for Class Action lawsuit for Flint, Michigan residents