Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to violence. Tonight we air the wild west thriller KILL FASTER PUSSYCAT! A radio theater experience you won't want to miss! Based on the 1965 cult film Faster Pussycat! Kill! Kill! but set in Oregon in 1881. Follow the Vixens, three powerful women, as they ride out from Portland's North End in search of adventure, fortune, and sadistic thrills. What follows is a lurid tale of theft, kidnapping, and murder.
Here at the Ubu, we got tired of waiting for Quentin Tarantino to do the remake of Faster Pussycat! so we decided to adapt it for radio theater, and transplant it from 1960s California to the Oregon wilderness 80 years earlier, to turn it into a a bizarre Spaghetti Western as genres collide.
Please note: This program contains profanity, nudity, cruelity, sex and disturbing violence. Listener discretion is strongly advised.