Sexual Assault In the Trans Community and Transgender Electoral Success



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Air date: 
Tue, 12/05/2017 - 6:00pm to 7:00pm
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Please join us this week on Transpositive PDX on KBOO Community radio Tuesday, December 5th at 6pm on 90.7 FM in Portland or online at

Sexual assault is scary and traumatizing for anyone who experiences it, even more so for the trans community especially dealing with doctors and medical staff can be very traumatizing because the medical industrial complex tends to gender our bodies in ways that may not fit our identities. A lot of organizations work to end sexual and domestic violence but most have been heavily focused on cis heterosexual women and have completely left out everyone else. This week on Transpositive we will talk with Akilah who is an advocate at Call to Safety (formerly Portland Women’s Crisis Line) and talk about advocacy work which specializes in supporting LGBTQIA Sexual Assault Survivors.

November was an amazing month for trans rights with the election of eight transgender people to public office including Andrea Jenkins and Phillipe Cunningham to the Minneapolis City Council and Danica Roem to the Virginia State Legislature. Angela Bridgman hopes to be number nine.

We will be speaking with Angela about her campaign and what it feels like to run for office as an out trans person. Angela is a twenty-years-out transgender activist that first began trans-activism in the mid-1990's. In that time, she was on the front lines of gaining rights in Louisville and Lexington, Kentucky, in 1999 and in Austin, Texas in 2004.

She was then successful in 2013 and 2014 in getting her church denomination to add gender identity and/or expression to the list of protected categories in the Non-Discrimination Clause of their bylaws. Later, in 2016, she fought the bathroom bill in North Carolina, known as HB-2. As part of that effort, she authored and was the main sponsor of a successful Action of Immediate Witness to the same church denomination.

She owns her own successful home business, and is now considering a run for North Carolina's state legislature, being the first openly-trans candidate in her state's history. She is also a published poet. Her current endeavors, other than the campaign to be elected to the NC General Assembly include starting a charitable foundation in Raleigh, NC to assist homeless, unemployed and underemployed transgender people.

Transpositive is a monthly program in Portland exploring themes important to those who identify as Transgender, Gender Non Binary and Gender Non-Conforming. Transpositive tries to connect listeners with the ongoing activist, arts, culture, and dialogue happening in Portland and beyond.

Make your voice heard!

Transpositive PDX is open to new and experienced programmers, guests and events you want our community to know about. We are an open collective. Anyone identify as trans, gender non-binary, gender fluid is welcome to be part of our collective after completing some basic free radio training. For more information contact Emma at

Old archived programs of transpositive can be heard at 
Archived and not safe for fcc versions of the podcast can be found

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Angela Bridgmsn
Candidate for NC General Assembly, 2018

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