Permanent Warrantless Spying Before Congress This Week


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Air date: 
Fri, 12/08/2017 - 9:00am to 10:00am
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Congress to Act on Extension of Section 702 of Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA)

Les Jamieson will be live with John Shuck Friday morning from 9-10 on The Beloved Community to discuss Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) that is set to expire on Dec. 31st, 2017. This is the language which allows for warrantless spying on all Americans by the NSA. According to Mr. Jamieson, a vote could be taken as early as Friday, December 8th on bills to extend Section 702 and make warrantless spying legal and permanent.  Oregon Senator Ron Wyden has proposed legislation to reform 702 and add safeguards to protect civil liberties. Wyden's Bill is called The USA Rights Act.  

John will take your calls to speak with Les Jamieson to discuss the NSA, Edward Snowden, spying, whistleblower William Binney (who is featured in Oliver Stone's "A Good American"), the software he created, "Thin Thread" that is used now to spy on all Americans even as it wasn't used to stop 9/11, and criminals in high places.  


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