Brad Warner is a Soto Zen priest. He also plays bass for the punk band, Zero Defex. And he plays a zen priest named Brad in the important film, Zombie Bounty Hunter, M.D. He also has a curious interest in the 13th century Japanese Zen Master, Dogen. He is in the process of translating Dogen’s work for a modern audience. In the course of the hour, we are going to explore a lot of stuff including Brad Warner's two books based on Dogen’s work. They are Don’t Be A Jerk and Other Practical Advice from Dogen, Japan’s Greatest Zen Master and It Came from Beyond Zen! More Practical Advice from Dogen, Japan’s Greatest Zen Master. Brad’s website is hardcorezen.info
Brad Warner is a Zen priest, filmmaker, blogger, and Japanese monster-movie marketer. He’s the author of Hardcore Zen; Sit Down & Shut Up; Sex, Sin & Zen; and most recently, There Is No God and He Is Always with You. The Huffington Post recently named him one of the top Buddhists to follow on Twitter and his writing appears in media ranging from Tricycle and Shambhala Sun to Suicidegirls.com.