Talking Earth with Leidi Monte



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Mon, 03/12/2018 - 10:00pm to 11:00pm
Talking Earth with poet Leidi Monte

Tonight's edition of Talking Earth features local poet and KBOO volunteer Leidi Monte. Talking Earth is a Portland radio show devoted to spoken word and the spoken arts, and airs every 2nd and 3rd Monday from 10 to 11 pm. It can be heard at KBOO-FM, 90.7 in the Portland, Oregon, area, and at the website: KBOO.FM.

Leidi Monte is a creative in Portland, Oregon. Their various roles in the community include musician, writer, performance poet, producer, public speaker, pod-caster, radio personality, you-tuber, and advocate for the intersex community. She organizes for the North West Intersex Action League, and contributes to her local broadcast community through the Lighthouse Productions Art Collective and KBOO. As a survivor of intersex circumcision aka IGM (Intersex Genital Mutilation), her experiences and that of others in the intersex community is what necessitates a frank, healthy, and current cultural exploration around sex, biology, and expression. She uses various forms of art and media to stimulate a conversation and collage space and understanding in our culture for intersex people, the diversities and complexities of women, and of human sexuality in general. Her website is
Patrick Bocarde hosts.

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