I Am Because I Am, explores the expansion of gender identity and presumed roles in our society. A look beyond the socially constructed ideas of what is male, female, masculine or feminine. Especially considering Trumps administration attempts to redefine gender to be solely based on a persons genitalia at birth. Thus potentially threatening Transgender, Intersex and Non-Binary Identity.
In this show well ask the questions, what does it mean when individuals challenge specific societal expectations of gender? In the case of intersex individuals, how are these ideas of gender challenged? In the spectrum of "queer identity" how does one embody masculinity, femininity, or neither? And how are communities responding to the potential threat of erasure?
Then....we hear from a woman who went to prison under El Salvadors current abortion laws" some of the strictest in the world. And, one reproductive justice organization considers the future of reproductive health access under the US Supreme Court.
Sean Saifa Wall an intersex advocate, Niki Khanna a Family Therapist, Eden Ana Luna of the Transgender Economic Empowerment Project, Kray Lit of YR Media, Terry Sok Wolfson and Aliyah Baker of Qulture Collective, Chaney Turner
Teodora del Carmen Vasquez, reproductive justice activist in El Salvador; Victor Hugo Mata, attorney for Citizen group for the Depenalization of Abortion; Alejandra Burgos, reproductive justice activist in El Salvador; Johnny Wright, former representative for the ARENA party, El Salvador; Nourbese Flint, Policy Director at Black Women for Wellness, Los Angeles.