Are you one health crisis away from poverty? Already there? You are not alone.


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Air date: 
Thu, 02/25/2010 - 12:00am
Behind the veil of media manipulation, news you're not supposed to know.

 Theresa Mitchell with the "news you're not supposed to know." She looks at declines of bank loans, debt crisis in Greece, jobless "recovery," billions for troubled asset relief program with no oversight, and assassination by health care industry. Also more huffing and puffing about war in Iran?  And more. Can we have a revolution yet? Check out the Union of Unemployed--it's growing like wildflre!  Helping Americans form "ucubes" to organize, work together and get back to work.  Form a cube, and multipy your political and economic power by 6. Then by 36. Eventually, by 31 million.  Three "ucubes" already here in PDX in last 24 hours!  

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Thanks again Theresa for all you do and share! My partner and I are beginning a People's Circle to meet at the Ahahra center in East PDX April 18th. We are hoping to start a community group that will serve as a round table and resource sharing hub - Details below and at - I certainly invite you to join us or to forward this to anyone (like the caller who wanted to join the revolution). It IS revolution we need, evolution would also be nice. BUT, I really just wanted to voice my support for you and thank you for the UCUBE resource, as I will be including it in our presentation of resources for change. THX! Peace, Aleta []
Community Roundtable to discuss current issues and inspire creative collaboration to effect positive change.

We invite you to join us in exploring the potential of communal empowerment. We call the People Circle to order with the intent to create a safe, supportive environment for a diverse group of “Cultural Creatives” to share their concerns and issues, and to work together to encourage and inspire each other to help us manifest solutions that can help us all thrive again.

The time of leaders is done – no single, insular group of any gender, color or ethnicity can insist on their own values or ideas having any more importance than any other. As history has shown repeatedly, when we work together towards common goals and utilize our collective wisdom, creativity, skills and efforts, we can see ourselves through any challenge and find steady ground from which we can all thrive again. The “People Circle” hopes to be one spoke of connection for our community to share, learn, and effect positive change to manifest a more just, sustainable and hopeful future. We also wish the circle to provide networking opportunities to share common resources and skills allowing us to keep more business in our community. Sharing information about available resources and opportunities is another important facet of supporting each other as a community, so be sure to bring business cards to pass around.

Please join the conversation and invite any friends or colleagues you think might be interested in participating. Space is limited, please rsvp to daretoimagine at earthlink dot net or call Maria @ 503-351-4544 or Aleta @ 503-730-8407.

$3-$5 per person

“Small acts, when multiplied by millions of people, can transform the world.” Howard Zinn

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