


Brian Decker, DA candidate for Washington County

Airs at: Mon, 03/28/2022 at 6:30pm - 7:00pm
Produced for Prison Pipeline
Host Karen James interviews Brian Decker, candidate for district attorney for Washington County, Oregon. The office of District Attorney is an elected position and in the upcoming May 2022 election, Washington County voters have two choices. Brian Decker is a former pros... Read more

Nick Hess Interview

Produced for Between Us
Nick Hess is a republican candidate for Oregon governor.  He talked with Don Merrill about why Oregon leadership doesn't get technology but needs to, why city run programs are bloated, expensive and ineffective in dealing with the homeless problem and why, as a businessm... Read more

Spencer Todd Interview

Produced for Between Us
Spencer Todd is a non partisan candidate running for District Attorney of Marion County.  He talked with Don Merrill about how his choice to become a prosecutor lets him save more people in ten minutes than he could as a defense attorney all year, why the Marion County D... Read more

Is the movement to form 'Greater Idaho' gaining traction?

Airs at: Thu, 03/17/2022 at 10:00am - 11:00am
Produced for American Standoff
In this episode of AMERICAN STANDOFF, we'll discuss the breakaway movement in eastern Oregon and northern California counties –– where conservative residents wish to leave these blue states and join Idaho. But they don't plan to move anywhere physically — it's Oregon's b... Read more

Amber Richardson Interview

Produced for Between Us
  DISCLAIMER:  Ben Morris, who is the Communications Director at the Oregon Secretary of State contacted KBOO on 4/20 with the following corrections regarding answers given by Amber Richardson in her 3/16/22 interview with Don Merrill.  Mr. Morris' comments are posted ... Read more

Jimmy Crumpacker Interview

Produced for Between Us
Jimmy Crumpacker is a republican running for the US House in Oregon's 5th District.  He talked with Don Merrill about how his experience with financial markets gives him a geopolitical perspective, why he is firmly against unions and why he considers himself to be Pro-Li... Read more

Brian Decker Interview

Produced for Between Us
Brian Decker is a non partisan candidate running for District Attorney for Washington County.  He talked with Sam Bouman about his decision to become a prosecutor, whether DA's should have a restorative justice rather than a strictly prosecutorial emphasis and how his fo... Read more

Farrah Chaichi Interview

Produced for Between Us
Farrah Chaichi is a democrat running for the Oregon House in the 35th District.  She talked with Don Merrill about how training in political science and criminal justice lead to social activism, why the housing market is difficult even for someone like her who is plugged... Read more

Katherine Gallant Interivew

Produced for Between Us
Katherine Gallant is a conservative who is running for the US House in Oregon's 2nd Congressional District.  She talked with Don Merrill about how her ride across the country in protest to an anti-smoking intiative in Arizona solidified her views of politics and politica... Read more

Kathleen Harder Interview

Produced for Between Us
Kathleen Harder is a democrat who is running for Oregon's new 6th US House District.  She talked with Don Merrill about how her medical experience will help bring more practical approaches to the Congress, how her educational experience will bring more attention to Orego... Read more