

0227 Our Backyard

Airs at: Tue, 02/26/2008 at 4:00pm
Produced for Our Backyard
Another edition of KBOO's locally produced environmental series: Our Backyard. This edition: There's something in the air ... and it's killing our hearts. Read more

Salem news conference: Republican bill on global warming

Produced for Evening News
 The National Wildlife Federation held a news conference in Salem today.  Their letter encourages Congressional legislators to sign a Republican lead bill to address the impact of global warming.  The letter, known widely as the two percent solution, claims that by reducing... Read more

The Last Bison vs. The National Park Service

Produced for Evening News
 Members of the Buffalo Field Campaign held a series of events this week to confront the National Park Service’s plan to slaughter hundreds of wild bison in Yellowstone National Park.The herd of 4,500 bison in Yellowstone is the last remaining herd of wild bison in the worl... Read more

0220 Our Backyard

Produced for Our Backyard
KBOO's locally produced environmental series. This edition: Cats, our cute, loveable, furry friends, are at the center of two environmental controversies.  Read more

Alternative Energy

Produced for Old Mole Variety Hour
 Bill Resnick talks with energy expert Suzanne Hunt about the political economy and the enviirnomental impact of alternative energy, especially the pros and cons of biofuels.  Hunt was the head of a project on biofuels for the World Watch Institute. Read more

Affluenza: the All-Consuming Epidemic

Airs at: Sun, 02/17/2008 at 4:00pm
Crystal Leighty interviews David Wann, co-author of Affluenza: the All-Consuming Epidemic. (Berrett-Koehler Publishers) He’ll discuss his new book Simple Prosperity: Finding Real Wealth in a Sustainable Lifestyle.”  (St. Martin's Griffin) Read more

Natural Gas Alternatives Hearing: Interview with Dan Serres

Airs at: Thu, 02/14/2008 at 4:00pm
Produced for Evening News
 Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski told the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission On Thursday that they must study all alternatives to supplying natural gas to the region.  He added that these studies must occur before any permits are issued for liquefied natural gas terminals ... Read more

Monsanto Attempts Sugar Beet Takeover

Produced for Our Backyard
KBOO's locally produced environmental series. This edition: Planting Monsanto's genetically engineered sugar beet seeds in the Willamette Valley has organic farmers, environmental activists, and consumers worried. Read more

Our Backyard with Edison Carder: Local students discuss climate consciousness

Airs at: Wed, 01/30/2008 at 4:00pm
Produced for
Local Students discuss their ideas about the environment and making a shift to climate consciousness. Read more

Agriculture: What's Wrong? What's the Fix?

Airs at: Wed, 02/06/2008 at 4:00pm
Produced for Recovery Zone
On the February 7 Recovery Zone, host Stephanie Potter asks PSU Professor Toby Hemenway what's wrong with Agriculture?  What's the fix?  Hemenway is author of Gaia's Garden:  A Guide to Homescale Permaculture.  Hemenway describes how agriculture destroys our ecosystem a... Read more