A Meaty Food Show



Tomorrow's Food Show is alot about meat.
Even if you are not an avid meat eater, you'll
be honored to hear the stories of Miriam's 90ish year
old Mother who will grace our show with her
memories about how meat was rationed
during the depression.
Then we'll have the folks from Meatpaper Magazine
on to talk about Meat and art.  We'll be offering a one
year gift subscription to Meatpaper to one lucky
caller so wipe the grease off of your face and call in.

Also, this month marks the second installment of
an events calendar.  Beth Poteet will talk briefly
about the NW Speaker series hosted by Witness for
.  A discussion with Baldemar Mendoza Jiménez
Agro-ecologist with the Union of Organizations of the
Sierra Juarez, Oaxaca is making it's way to a city near you.
Learn about the effects of NAFTA on the agriculture and
food supply for our brothers and sisters to the south as
NAFTA turns 15.

And, lastly, our very own new host, Laura McCandlish has collected
her very first tidbits of audio and produced her very first piece
for us live from the very first University sponsored Food Bank
in Corvallis.  This is the first Univeristy run food pantry in the

Tune in at 11 AM  April 15th, 2009 for all of these fine meaty morsels and call in for that subscription!
We'll be there!

Love, Your Food Show Hosts,

Miriam, Laura and Marliese


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