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Portland area residents are currently faced with a slew of development- and
gentrification-related policies, but the relationships and dynamics behind
the policies are often difficult to see. From government incentives for
re-development to international companies spe...
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Locally-based Dineh (Navaho) and Yankton Dakota writer Jacqueline Keeler has
been writing and fighting against racist mascots and stereotypes for years
and she's pretty sick of it. But she keeps being called back into the fray,
most recently invited to Cincinnati to deba...
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From Levine's website:
Bruce E. Levine writes and speaks widely on how society, culture, politics
and psychology intersect. His latest book is Resisting Illegitimate
Authority: A Thinking Person’s Guide to Being an
Anti-Authoritarian―Strategies, Tools, and Models (201...
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After a 10-year hiatus, Cascadia Times is reviving its print edition. Founded
and edited by Paul Koberstein since its inception in 1996, Cascadia Times has
published hard-hitting investigative environmental journalism from the
Cascadia Bioregion: Oregon, Washington, B...
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Looking at Portland’s economy as a microcosm of speculative capitalism is a
great way to examine the extractive mechanisms of the real estate market. The
most recent boom/bust cycle has completely divorced land value from land
taxes and rental rates, and the rich seem...
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Elizabeth Goitein, Co-Director of the Liberty and National Security Program
at the Brennan Center for Justice (NYU School of Law), recently wrote an
article for The Atlantic, "What the President Could Do If He Declares a State
of Emergency." It lays out in grim detail...
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As Elizabeth Warren steps up her run for the presidency in 2020, questions
continue over her claims to Native ancestry and how she has handled the
controversy. But as undisputed Native journalists, leaders and spokespeople
continue to be called upon to weigh in on the quest...
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Opening song: Dory Previn, Twenty-Mile Zone
Host Paul Roland talks with Allie Light about her 1994 Emmy-award winning
flim, "Dialogues with Madwomen," which features seven women, including the
filmmaker, describing their experiences with madness and recovery. It is a
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(No subject)