Last week, Sarah Palin simultaneously endorsed Donald Trump's campaign for
president and redefined free-form English poetry. We are officially through
the looking glass. Abe and Joe take your calls and contemplate the absurdity
of 21st-Century American politics.
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It's now officially a presidential election year, which means that the
nonstop wall of nonsense emanating from the campaign trail is about to reach
heretofore undreamt-of levels. Abe and Joe survey the circus and take your
calls. Because, y'know, what the hell.
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President Obama intends to see the Trans-Pacific Partnership ratified before
the end of his term in office. But what is the TPP? Joe Uris explains why you
should oppose this latest disastrous trade deal.
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This weekend, a group of armed right-wing extremists took over a number of
buildings at a wildlife refuge in eastern Oregon. The response from law
enforcement has been notably restrained, particularly in contrast to, for
example, the response to a boy with a toy gun in a Cl...
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Join Abe and Joe for a recap of the year's events, a snapshot of the world as
it is, and some thoughts on what might lie ahead. Also -- your calls!
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Joe Uris hosts a two-part discussion. He looks at how the Democratic National
Committee is trying to shut out Bernie Sanders. He also discusses the
inability to solve the current environmental crisis under the existing
constitution, which upholds property rights.
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Aaron Robertson of Oregon Wild joins Abe and Joe to discuss the proposed sale
and privatization of Elliott State Forest on the southern Oregon Coast.
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The world, it seems, has been awash in religious violence of late. In the
U.S., this has aggravated a long-standing tendency toward Islamophobia and
nativist demagoguery -- which will only get worse in the wake of the San
Bernardino tragedy. Abe and Joe try to make sense of...
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